Celebration and New Beginnings – 10/11/2020
Celebration! Oh so many things to celebrate! A best seller book! Three years blogging! New Beginnings! A new career! A successful new business – Coaching Dynamic Aging! A brand new website! An opportunity to review Katy Bowman’s newest course release with Jill Miller called Walking Well! And a way to virtually celebrate yourself? Does it get any better than this?!?
Celebration – Best seller book and three years blogging

In March 2017, Joyce, Lora, Shelah and I joined Katy at the BEACH studio in Ventura, California for a book signing for our new book Dynamic Aging: Simple Exercises for Whole-Body Mobility. If you missed that event check out Katy Bowman’s podcast. The book was an instant hit and has continued to be a best seller.
Our Blog

Because so many people were interested in aging dynamically, I decided to start a blog post that September. It turned out to be ever so popular and a great learning experience for me. My fellow co-authors contributed posts occasionally and Shelah helped me with the graphics portion. It has been a labor of love in sharing our experiences of dynamic aging.
Going forward, I will continue to post blogs periodically. They will include information and stories about physical movement. As the oldest certified RES, I am not missing any opportunities to learn more and share with you. (See below under Walking Well.) And, they will include information about coaching movement in your life and learning and growing in a way that facilitates aging dynamically. After all, we are in this together?
New Beginnings – A new career
For nearly 10 years I had been celebrating my niche as a teacher and physical coach at the BEACH as a RES (Nutritious Movement® certified Restorative Exercise Specialist). The year 2019 will always be memorable for me because it is when I realized the possibilities of also being a life coach – coaching people to the unlimited possibilities in their lives. I spent the year learning the skills of becoming a coach while transforming my own life.
A successful new business
I was not looking to start a business. Teaching as RES is great! I love my life here on the Ranch – hiking and living in nature, writing blogs, and living life day by day. And it just evolved. People began asking me to be their coach for change in their lives. I did a series of classes for Nancy Burns at Body Wisdom Studio and more people decided they not only wanted physical movement coaching, they wanted coaching on movement in how they were living their lives. And so Coaching Dynamic Aging was created.
Celebration Opportunity
As a coach, I encourage my clients to take the time to celebrate their achievements. For me I will be celebrating all I have achieved in a very special way. Come join me. A good friend and fellow coach has a most amazing virtual retreat – Badass Women Leaders Retreat – and believe me we are all leaders in our own way. Dates are 10/22-10/25/2020. I will be hosting at least one of the informal networking sessions.
Review of Walking Well

Katy has done it again – created a product that is a superb opportunity for physical movement on our own at our own pace. She has collaborated with Jill Miller, author of The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain. Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body. Together they have created something that is effective, modifiable for most any age or situation, and just plain FUN! I have done the entire series of classes and I am impressed at the quality of instruction.
Jill teaches us how to use the variety of Roll Model® Balls for the best possible results in releasing fascia throughout our bodies. Doing her Roll Outs before each set of Katy’s Moves, facilitates using our muscles and joints in supporting walking movements and our whole body. I love the set of balls that are available with the course. I think my favorite ball is the Coregeous® – a 7”inflatable ball that is incredibly versatile.
And, of course, Katy does an awesome job of teaching all the restorative exercises that support proper alignment, stance, gait and the whole body that is incorporated in walking well. As only Katy can, she brings simplicity to the moves along with her wonderful sense of humor. Oh, and by the way, Tim Harris from the BEACH is one of the “students” in the classes. Great job, Tim! Love the knee pit demo!
A Goldener’s “Golden” Opportunity
Katy asked me if I would assess the course as a goldener to see how it played out. I am a big walker and hiker and I was curious to see if doing these classes would add any noticeable change to my walking well. Although I am familiar with the balls, I have not used them consistently nor extensively. I noticed significant changes by using the balls first in the Roll Out sessions before going into Katy’s Moves sessions. Katy’s Moves were familiar to me as a RES, and yet she added more detail and refinement that enhanced their basic effectiveness. Out on the trail, hiking or walking, I felt that all I learned in this course improved my balance, endurance and overall movement.
Thanks to Katy and Jill for a job well done!
A gift for you
When you finish reading this post, I invite you to browse through my new website. Check out each of the new tabs. Learn more about coaching and about me. Read through the testimonials from my clients. Then take the leap! Do something for yourself! Email me for a complimentary Introductory coaching call. What if you discovered an opportunity?

Living your life just the way you like it is contagious!! Joan, you are fun, alive and flowing with creativity. Thank you for inspiring me again, your life is your message and I love it.