Message to Blog Subscribers


Thank you for joining me over the past 5+ years on our journey of dynamic aging. From co-author to certified professional coach, to creating a unique on-line Magazine, and on to Infinity and back!


Here at Coaching Dynamic Aging we are changing the way we connect with you, our treasured Blog Subscribers.

Starting with the notification for this blog post, we are changing to a Newsletter.


To give you direct access to all the Dynamic Aging 4 Life resources in a one-stop format. This will include links to blog posts, new Magazine articles, and other relevant opportunities.


What does that mean? I am writing fewer blog posts. My focus now is on the Magazine and inviting you, our loyal readers, to join me in taking action to change the paradigm of “aging” to “dynamic aging.”

  • By telling your story about what dynamic aging means to you? How it feels? What it looks like? What it gives you? Why it is important to you? What difference it makes in your life?
  • By reading the new articles in the Magazine as they are published. By sharing the Magazine with others in your life and encouraging them to tell their stories.

Together I believe we can make a difference and open the door to possibilities by modeling dynamic aging at any age as the new paradigm of aging.

Your “Always” Coach

I am first and always a dynamic aging coach. My standing invitation to each of you is to explore and discover what it’s like to partner with me as your coach in a way that is open, inquisitive, and challenging so you are empowered to generate the results you desire. Contact me at for a free introductory coaching call.

Photo of Joan Allen - Contact me
