The Ultimate Fitness Program – 4/14/2021

Over the past decade, I have worked as a Nutritious Movement certified Restorative Exercise Specialist (RES) with people of all ages to share Katy Bowman’s program. In our book, Dynamic Aging: Simple Exercises for Whole Body Mobility, four of us – then in our 70s, now in our 80s –  partnered with Katy and shared the effects of these…

Dynamic Aging Blog First Year Anniversary- 9/29/2018

Our blog celebrated its first anniversary September 2018. We started the blog as a result of the popularity of our book. The purpose for the blog is to share our adventures of dynamic aging as we four co-authors traverse our 70s and 80s and…who knows how long. We have written 24 blogs this first year including this…

Outdoor Movement at 80 Centerfold – 9/15/2018

Okay, so it’s not really a “centerfold.” Shelah, co-author of our book and graphic artist for this blog, informs me it is not really a “centerfold” because it is not in the center of the magazine. It is  a two-page “spread.” I ask you, does the title “Two-page spread at 80!” pique your interest?!? Outdoor…